Workshops on EVA
The most recent and very important pillar of EVA, which was compiled just recently, are the so-called workshops. We can probably imagine many things under workshops, but here at EVA there is much more hidden under this term, let's describe and summarize this whole pillar.
The teaching week is divided into two parts:

- Four days of classical teaching according to the other pillars of EVA (syllabi work, marking grades V, U, S, Z) - mainly hard skills are applied here (although soft skills are still considered thanks to progress evaluation)
- One day is dedicated to workshops - here mainly soft skills are applied, which are accompanied by hard ones
The workshops work throughout the study at EVA, that is, in all four years. But the fourth year is different from the first three, due to the preparation for graduation.
Workshops of the 1st - 3rd year of EVA

Consultation and meeting hour
It is used to solve minor questions and situations related to administration, attendance, etc. The class is not necessarily mandatory for those who do not need to use it. However, it should solve all the issues that have so far slightly disturbed the beginning or end of teaching in classical subjects. It can typically be used for classroom lessons, meetings for school events, etc.
Long-term workshop
The following two hours are used for a long-term workshop, the content of which is a long-term (annual/half-yearly) topic. It can be worked on by an individual or in pairs across the years - ideal for inspiration and gaining experience for younger years. The topic is treated in depth. The hours are used for consultations and the conclusion is a defense before the committee. The purpose is to learn to work with resources and to learn own responsibility for the result.
Short-term workshop
The long-term workshop is followed by a short-term one, which includes three teaching hours and will partially replace the so-called cross-cutting days. Before starting a specific short-term project, students always enroll in a specific cross-cutting topic, each topic has its own group of students who, after outlining the task and being directed by the teacher, create a project together. In this part, the teacher is only a guide - he does not tell the students exactly what to process. Students must find a certain balance between time and quality so that the project is satisfactory to the jury. Students can work both in school and in the field. Subsequently, students evaluate themselves and at the same time are evaluated by a jury (passed/failed). The most important output is feedback. The purpose is a high degree of independence, but at the same time to learn to work in a group and communicate, students learn to accept assessments in this part.
The EVA program is continuously developed and improved. Therefore, the content and format of the workshops may change and be modified during the course of the studies.
Workshops of the senior year of EVA
The consultation hour and the short-term workshop work exactly the same for the 4th year. However, there is a noticeable difference in the long-term seminar, which serves as a matriculation seminar in the matriculation year. Students work as individuals on their graduation project (EKO + related subject) - this project requires a practical output and use. But the workshop also functions as a consultation and the defense output is actually the same as in previous years. You can find a more detailed description of the graduation project in the chapter named GRADUATION.
Here I provide a presentation that will be given at Open Days from Autumn 2023 and which provides a summary of the purpose of the workshops (only in Czech):